Monday, May 4, 2020

How Play Schools Prepare Your Child for Academic Success

Childhood is the most important phase in a child’s life. It is in this stage when a child’s physical, mental, intellectual and social development takes place at an astounding rate. Considering this aspect, giving high quality personal care and learning experiences to the child should be the priority of every parent.
Learning begins from the moment a child is brought home and continues till the rest of his/her life. But the kind of education and learning experiences children receive in preschool years has the deepest impact on the development of their mind and attitude.  There is increasing evidence that children gain a lot while attending preschools. They not only learn about alphabets, shapes and numbers, but also exposed to the outside world, thus learning to socialize with people around them. Not only this, children contribute to circle time, get along with their friends and teachers, and learn to share.  
How Important a Play School is for Your Child?
Preschools lay a strong foundation of learning both academically and socially which surely go a long way in empowering children for the future.
Play Schools Give Children Learning Opportunities
For many children, preschool is the first opportunity to experience a structured setting with teachers and peers. It’s an ideal platform for children to learn to share, participate in conversation and begin a solid foundation for learning that will help them perform better in elementary school.
High Quality Preschool Develops Language and Cognitive Skills
Children who attend high quality preschool programs have higher IQs and have tendency to score better grades in Math during their elementary and secondary school years. They also develop better pre-reading skills, richer vocabularies and strong logical reasoning skills.
Preschool Promotes Social and Emotional Development
Children need to feel loved and cared in order to grasp new lessons every day. For a child to comfortably spend his/her time away from home needs to build trusting relationships with their teachers and classmates to build a strong connection with them.
In play schools, teachers value little children and give them an atmosphere to thrive with their fullest potential. Children strengthen their social skills and develop emotional control through a range of stimulating activities, thus learning to manage their behavior in an acceptable manner.
 Children Learn to Respect and Take Care of Each Other
Teachers at play schools teach children to respect each other and everyone who belongs to our community. Children are encouraged to help themselves as well as others, thus allowing them to develop empathy and a sense of belonging. Not only this, they are also introduced to the behaviours required to perform successfully in elementary schools. For example, in group activities such as “circle time”, children interact with their teachers and learn about the most important lessons of life.
Preschool Activities Enhance Math and Literacy Skills
Children have a tendency to show interest in math and several other literacy activities. Activities like this boost their curiosity and make them competent enough to perform well in academics. Assembling toys, correcting numbers, and playing around different shapes help little children to acquire pre-math skills easily. Playing with alphabet letters encourage children to ask teachers to write their names and learn letters.
To sustain children’s motivation and excitement, all these activities are introduced with a range of highly engaging activities that are meaningful and interesting to children.
To Sum Up
Preschool days are the most fascinating and enthralling period in a child’s life. These are the days when personality of a child blossom and he/she is ushered into a world of possibilities to develop skills, confidence and knowledge for their future academic success.

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