Tuesday, April 7, 2020


As a parent, our world is our child. We appreciate and understand the importance of early childhood education and are anxious to find the Best playschool of South Delhi for our child. 

With playschools mushrooming at every corner of the city especially in South Delhi, what defines the Best Playschool in South Delhi? We want them to be happy, safe, secured, loved and even more loved. In the search for the Best Preschool in Delhi NCR, we as a parent must consider the following points: 

1. Infrastructure:   

The school premise should be designed in a manner that it attracts the child. The child should feel welcomed and get curious about it.  This is their first step away from home.  The premise should be colourful and spacious giving ample space to play and feel free.  
- Classrooms should be spacious, well lit , ventilated and clean. There must be ample space for the child to move around.  
- Washrooms need to be hygienic and child friendly.   Washbasins and urinals at low level, making it comfortable and easily accessible for the child. 
- There must be open space where children are encouraged for unstructured play during the day. The outdoor area has equipment for climbing, running, throwing, catching, and swinging.

2. Safety and Security:

Nothing is more important than  the safety and security of our child. Appropriate measures to ensure the safety and security of the child. Where the amenities and infrastructure need be child friendly. The school building needs to be safe. Barricades and guards should be placed at appropriate location. Safety and security is primarily brought in by a vigilant and agile faculty. Appropriate verification of all members should be done. 

3. Teachers and Staff:

Playschool is the first interaction of the child with the world outside. The staff and especially teacher need to be friendly and empathetic. We understand that our child is naughty, but the faculty needs to patient with them. Teacher should be knowledgeable and able to channelize the energy of each child. Should have a firm understanding of developmentally appropriate practices. Children understand body language too. Helper staff especially needs to be friendly. Child should not fear them. 

4. Curriculum:

Play is what these tiny tots do best. The curriculum should be fun and engaging, not repetitive. They learn when they do it themselves. Activities and programmed should be designed to give opportunity to them to explore and learn.  The child should feel proud and confident of oneself. The best playschool of Delhi must provide a stimulating environment for the child to help in intellectual, language, socio- emotional and physical development. It develops the fine and gross motor skills of the child.

5. Other Facilities:

Learning should not be restricted to classrooms. Facilities should be available that give children  exposure and opportunity to various activities 

6. Hygiene:

Children are young and easily succumb to infection. The school must be clean and maintain hygiene. 

7. Parents are partners too:

It is not the individual act of the school or parent to ensure the development of the child. The school should invite participation from and involve parents too. The relationship needs to be transparent based on trust and faith. 

Each family is different .We have our specific checklist for our child. There is no definite definition for the best playschool in Delhi. But yes the best playschool is one with a strong identity and sound philosophy. It is  one that makes the child aware and confident ,the child is disciplined and not brought up in a regimented environment. It would be one, where the child gets a positive start in his/her learning journey. 

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